Giving Voice + Building Bridges =

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Hi, I am Dr. Ashley Cross and I live to help people achieve their goals by increasing and preserving their hope. I do this by educating and empowering passionate individuals and organizations with powerful training, resources and guidance that helps them build and adopt a culture of hope. My goal is to give everyone the confidence they need to accomplish their goals and thrive in life.


21 Days to Making Hope a Habit

This short ebook uses the Hope Theory to provide a goal execution framework to those seeking to accomplish ambitious goals. Goal Setters will be given the Hope Assessment to assess their overall hopefulness and then be guided through 21 days of planning and action to increase achievement, motivation, and hope! Work through the 21 days to achieve your two most Wildly Important Goals and then, do it again!

Hope Score

Take the Hope Assessment

Yes! Hope can be measuered. Take the hope scale to receive your Hope Score


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