This is what caregivers and professionals are saying about Dr. Ashley ...
“The goal setting workshop helped me to identify key areas of focus for my life. I developed clear goals that align with my core values. By breaking up the process of completing the goals by year, quarter, month, and week, I have found myself reaching my achievement goals quicker than expected. I have also seen that by tracking my habit goals, my consistency increases every week. This methodology is a conscious way to plan for the future, without missing the key day-to-day tasks that help accomplish those goals. I have applied the learned lessons in my personal and work life, which has caught the attention of my co-workers. They have already begun asking about the change in my output and how they can incorporate key concepts like habit stacking, the big three goals for the day, and conscious daily reflection, into their own work habits. I am excited to see how using the teachings from the “Full Focus Planner” will enable me to reach my greatest potential as a high capacity individual.”
“I LOVED Ashley’s training. Super informative and interactive! Thank you for providing it!”
Foster Parent
“I just wanted to let you know how informative Ashley Cross was in this training session. All of the breakdowns and strategies are applicable to the different issues I have and have had with teens, and I will be able to use some of this training right away with the 3 teens I have at this time. I would love to see more training opportunities from Ashley Cross! Thank you for arranging this one for us.”
Foster Parent
“Your [Dr. Ashley’s] training helped to ignite a culture of hope. The first part of our agency’s mission statement reads, “We exist to bring hope and healing….” Your training and work helped me and our staff to understand the “hope” part of our mission is an entirely new way. We have incorporated this understanding of hope into all of our trainings and on-going discussions with resource families and the children in their homes. We are now better able to identify and define what it means to be a hope giver when speaking to our families. We also continue to utilize the practical tools you discussed. Some examples are journaling the children’s successes and failures and how they, as a parent can help provide the resources and support the children need to be more successful; writing a list of the children’s strengths and sharing it with them; practicing mindfulness, and teaching children to fail well.”
District Administrator with the Sacramento office of Koinonia Family Services
“On a personal note, my family (parents, adult daughter, sister and her husband) are participating in a book club and we are reading “Hope Rising”. I shared your video as a foundation and we have been discussing and practicing hope. Without going into too much detail, this feels like nothing short of a miracle. My parents had great difficulty in their parenting years and as a result, relationship and communication with them has been challenging at times. This is the first time in our family’s life that we have talked and connected like this with them. My mother is 80 and my father 76 and we have had more meaningful discussions in the last several months than ever before. Utilizing what was started by your training has allowed us to discuss some really challenging and emotional topics in ways that have never occurred. Patterns that have existed in their lives for 80 and 76 years are starting to change and we are discussing their hope scores and how to increase those.”