Goal Strategy and Productivity Coaching

Goal Strategy Coaching Sessions with Dr. Ashley

plus Bonus session: Goal Setting the Bible Way

Goal Strategy Coaching Sessions with Dr. Ashley

3 sessions for

Productivity Coaching Sessions with Dr. Ashley

3 sessions for

Bonus Session:

Goal Setting the Bible Way for an additional

During your Goal Strategy Sessions with Dr. Ashley, she will guide you through 3 powerful sessions that will help you analyze your current condition of hope and discover who you are and what you are most passionate about. Building on those discoveries, she will walk you through an intense process of uncovering and clarifying your values. The final session will end with you developing your life’s mission statement, anchored in your values and developing your Wildly Important Goals for the next four quarters.

Productivity Coaching Sessions with Dr. Ashley

Productivity Coaching is for passionate individuals who have already established solid goals for the next four quarters but now need the habits and tools to achieve those goals. During these sessions, Dr. Ashley will help build your rhythm to improve focus and maximize your achievement while developing strategies and habits to achieve your Wildly Important Goals.

Who are these coaching sessions for?

  • Anyone interested in learning how they can build and sustain their hope
  • Anyone ready to identify what they are most passionate about
  • Anyone ready to identify what matters the most
  • Anyone ready to be consistent long enough to see progress in their dreams and goals
  • Anyone prepared to execute the plans they establish for themselves
  • Anyone prepared to use the science of hope to increase their overall well-being, life satisfaction and achievement.
  • Anyone looking to glorify God with their life through a consistent bearing of fruit

Why do you need these coaching sessions?

  • To focus on what matters the most
  • A lack of goal-setting leads to an apathetic life
  • Move from toxic optimism and false hope to healthy hope-centered belief and action
  • Achieving goals increases hope, overall well-being, and life satisfaction
  • Every human is wired for achievement
  • YOU have the power to keep your life moving forward

Who are these coaching sessions NOT for:

  • Anyone looking for a quick fix. This process takes time and work.
  • Anyone looking for someone else to simply give them the answers. This process is about YOU. It is about what you value and what you want out of life.